- [1]北山研一、熊谷信昭、「非相反光ICモード変換器の解析」, 電子通信学会論文誌C。、vol.59-C, pp.498-505, 1976.
- [2] K. Kitayama and N. Kumagai, "Theory and applications of coupledoptical waveguides involving anisotropic or gyrotropic materials," IEEETrans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. MTT-25, p. 567-572, 1977.
- [3] K. Kitayama and M. Ikeda, "Leaky modes effect in spliced graded-index fibers," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 30, pp. 227-228, 1977.
- [4] M. Ikeda, Y. Murakami, and K. Kitayama, "Mode scrambler for optical fibers," Appl. Opt., vol. 16, pp. 1045-1049, 1977.
- [5] M. Ikeda and K. Kitayama, "Transfer function of long spliced graded index fibers with mode scramblers," Appl. Opt., vol. 17, pp. 63-67, 1978./li>
- [6] K. Kitayama and M. Ikeda, Mode mixing effects in optical fiberscaused by sheathing and multistranding: measurements," Appl. Opt.,vol. 17, pp. 3660-3664, 1978.
- [7] K. Kitayama and M. Ikeda, "Mode coupling coefficient measurements in optical fibers," Appl. Opt., vol. 17, pp. 3979-3983, 1978.
- [8] J. Sakai, K. Kitayama, M. Ikeda, Y. Kato, and T. Kimura, "Designconsiderations of broadband dual mode optical fibers," IEEE Trans.Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. MTT-26, pp. 658-665, 1978.
- [9] K. Kitayama, Y. Kato, S. Seikai, N. Uchida, and M. Ikeda,"Experimental verification of modal dispersion free characteristics intwo-mode optical fiber," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. (Lett.), vol.QE-15, pp. 6-8, 1979.
- [10] K. Kitayama, S. Seikai, Y. Kato, N. Uchida, O. Fukuda, and K. Inada, "Transmission characteristics of long spliced graded-index optical fibers at 1.27mm," IEEE J. Quantum Electron.,vol. QE-15, pp. 638-642, 1979.
- [11] K. Kitayama, M. Tateda, S. Seikai, and N. Uchida, "Determination of mode power distribution in a parabolic-index optical fibers: theory and application," IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. QE-15, pp. 1161-1165, 1979.
- [12] Y. Kato, K. Kitayama, S. Seikai, and N. Uchida, "Novel method for measuring cutoff wavelength of HE21, TE01, and TM01 modes," Electron. Lett., vol. 15, pp. 410-411, 1979. [1980]
- [13] K. Kitayama, S. Seikai, and N. Uchida, "Impulse response prediction based on experimental mode coupling coefficient in a 10-km \long graded-index fiber," IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. QE-16, pp. 356-362, 1980.
- [14] K. Kitayama, M. Ohashi, and S. Seikai, "Mode conversion at splices in multimode graded-index fibers," IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol.QE-6, pp. 971-978, 1980.
- [15] K. Kitayama, Y. Kato, S. Seikai, N. Uchida, M. Akiyama, and O.Fukuda, "Transmission characteristic measurement of two-mode optical fiberwith a nearly optimum index-profile," IEEE Trans. Microwave TheoryTech., vol. MTT-28, pp. 604-608, 1980.
- [16] S. Seikai, M. Tateda, K. Kitayama, and N. Uchida, "Optimization ofmultimode graded-index fiber parameters: design considerations," Appl.Opt., vol. 19, pp. 2860-2865, 1980. [1981]
- [17] Y. Kato, K. Kitayama, S. Seikai, and N. Uchida, "Effective cutoffwavelength of the LP11 mode in single-mode fiber cables," IEEE J.Quantum Electron., vol. QE-17, pp. 35-39, 1981.
- [18] K. Kitayama, Y. Kato, S. Seikai, and N. Uchida, "Structuraloptimization for two-mode fiber: theory and experiment", IEEE J. QuantumElectron., vol. QE-17, pp. 1057-1063, 1981.
[19] K. Kitayama, Y. Kato, S. Seikai, and M. Tateda,"Broadband(0.6
m) subnanosecond pulse emission using anultra-low-loss single-mode fiber,。ネ Appl. Opt., vol. 20, pp.2428-2432, 1981. - [20] K. Kitayama, S. Seikai, and N. Uchida, "Polarisation-maintainingsingle-mode fibre with azimuthally inhomogeneous index profile,"Electron. Lett., vol. 17, pp. 419-420, 1981.
- [21] M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, and S. Seikai, "Mode coupling effects in agraded-index fiber cable," Appl. Opt., vol. 20, pp. 2433-2438,1981. [1982]
- [22] Y. Kato, K. Kitayama, and S. Seikai, "Design consideration onbroad-band W-type two-mode optical fibers," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theoryand Tech., vol. MTT-30, pp. 1-5, 1982.
- [23] M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, and S. Seikai, "Mode coupling at arc-fusionsplices in graded-index fibers," IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol.QE-18, pp. 274-277, 1982.
- [24] K. Kitayama, S. Seikai, and K. Morishita, "Minimum pulse broadeningin multimode fibers with index imperfections," IEEE J. QuantumElectron., vol. QE-18, pp. 838-843, 1982.
- [25] K. Kitayama, Y. Kato, N. Uchida, and M. Akiyama, "Transmissionbandwidth of two-mode fiber link," IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol.QE-18, pp. 1871-1876, 1982.
- [26] Y. Kato, K. Kitayama, S. Seikai, and N. Uchida, "Modal equalisationfor two-mode fibre link using a step-index fibre," Electron. Lett.,vol. 18, pp. 356-358, 1982.
- [27] K. Kitayama, S. Seikai, and N. Uchida, "Stress-induced frequencytuning for stimulated four-photon mixing in a birefringent single-modefiber," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 41, pp. 322-324, 1982.
- [28] K. Kitayama and M. Ohashi, "Frequency tuning for stimulatedfour-photon mixing by bending-induced birefringence in a single-mode fiber,"Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 41, pp. 619-621, 1982.
- [29] M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, and Y. Ishida, and N. Uchida, "Phase-matchedlight amplification by three-wave mixing process in a birefringent fiber dueto externally applied stress," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 41, pp.1111-1113, 1982. [1983]
- [30] K. Kitayama, Y. Kato, M. Ohashi, Y. Ishida, and N. Uchida, " Designconsiderations for the structural optimization of a single-mode fiber:,"IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., Vol.LT-1, pp. 363-369, 1983.
- [31] K. Kitayama and S. Wang, "Optical pulse compression by nonlinearcoupling," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 43, pp. 17-19, 1983.
- [32] K. Kitayama, I. H. A. Fattah, and S. Wang, "Interferometriccoupled-waveguide semiconductor laser: structural optimization and itsperformance," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 43, pp. 816-818, 1983. [1984]
- [33] K. Kitayama and S. Wang, "A new Q switching method by intracavityphase modulation in a semiconductor laser," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.44, pp. 571-573, 1984.
- [34] K. Kitayama, Y. Kimura, and S. Seikai, "Nonlinear mode coupling inbirefringent fiber: application to optical pulse reshaping," Appl. Phys.Lett., vol. 45, pp. 838-840, 1984.
- [35] K. Kitayama, M. Ohashi, and Y. Ishida, "Length dependence ofeffective cutoff wavelength in single-mode fibers," IEEE/OSA J. LigthtwaveTechnol., vol. LT-2, pp. 629-634, 1984.
- [36] M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, Y. Koyamada, N. Uchida, and S. Seikai,"Design of multimode graded-index fiber parameters in the long-wavelengthregion," Appl. Opt., vol. 23, pp. 1802-1806, 1984.
- [37] M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, T. Kobayashi, and Y. Ishida, "LP11 mode lossmeasurements in the two-mode-propagation region of optical fibers," Opt.Lett., vol. 9, pp. 303-305, 1984.
[38] K. Kitayama, N. Uesugi, S. Seikai, O. Kawata, and K. Ishihara,"Ultralow-loss 220km-long single-mode-fibre cable link in 1.5
mm wavelength region," Electron Lett., vol. 20, pp. 774-775, 1984. [1985] - [39] K. Kitayama, M. Ohashi, and T. K. Gustafson,"Sequence-frequncy three-wave mixing emissions in a birefringent opticalfiber," IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. QE-21, pp. 1689-1700,1985.
- [40] K. Kitayama, Y. Kimura, and S. Seikai, "Fiber-optic logic gage,"Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 45, pp. 317-319, 1985.
- [41] K. Kitayama, Y, Kimura, K. Okamoto, and S. Seikai, "Optical samplingusing an all-fiber optical Kerr shutter," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 46,pp. 623-625, 1985.
- [42] K. Kitayama, and N. Shibata, and M. Ohashi, "Two-core opticalfibers: experiment," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 2, pp. 84-89,1985.
- [43] K. Kitayama and Y. Ishida, "Wavelength-selective coupling oftwo-core optical fiber: application and design," J. Opt. Soc. Am.A, vol. 2 pp. 90-94, 1985.
- [44] M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, Y. Ishida, and Y. Negishi, "Simpleapproximations for chromatic dispersion in single-mode fibers with variousindex profiles,。ノ IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol. LT-3, pp.110-115, 1985.
- [45] K. Kitayama, N. Uesugi, M. Ohashi, S. Seikai, and K. Ishihara,"Design and performance of ultra-low-loss single-mode fiber cable in1.5mm wavelength region," IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol. LT-3, pp.579-585, 1985.
- [46] M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, N. Shibata, and S. Seikai, "Frequencyturning of a Stokes wave for stimulated four-photon mixing bytemperature-induced birefringence change," Opt. Lett., vol. 10, pp.77-79, 1985.
- [47] N. Shibata, M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, and S. Seikai, "Evaluation ofbending-induced birefringence based on stimulated four-photon mixing,"Opt. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 154-156, 1985.
- [48] 大橋正治、北山研一、青海恵之、「NFP法による単一モードファイバのモードフィールド半径の測定」, 電子通信学会論文誌(B), vol.J68-B,pp.435-442, 1985. [1986]
- [49] M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, and S. Seikai, "Mode field diametermeasurement conditions for fibers by transmitted field pattern methods,"IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., vol. LT-4, pp. 109-115, 1986.
- [50] S. Seikai, K. Kitayama, N. Uesugi, and Y. Kato, "Designconsideration on single-mode fibers suitable for subscriber cables," IEEEJ. Lightwave Technol., vol. LT-4, pp. 1005-1009, 1986.
- [51] N. Shibata, M. Tsubokawa, M. Ohashi, K. Kitayama, and S. Seikai,"Birefringence and polarization mode dispersion in a coil of a single-modefiber," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 3, pp. 1935-1940, 1986.
- [52] K. Kitayama, K. Okamoto, and H. Yoshinaga, "Extended four-photonmixing approach to modulation instability," J. Appl. Phys., vol.64,pp.6586-6587, 1988.
- [53] Y. Kimura, K. Kitayama, N. Shibata, and S. Seikai, "All-fibre-opticlogic 'AND' gate," Electron Lett., vol. 22, pp. 277-278, 1988.
- [54] F. Itoh and K. Kitayama, "Experimental verification of frequencylevel-off of modulational instability in the minimum dispersion region,"Appl. Phys, Lett., vol.54, pp. 2503-2505, 1989.
- [55] F. Ito and K. Kitayama, "Optical implementation of the Hopfieldneural network using multiple fiber nets," Appl. Opt., vol.28,pp.4176-4181, 1989.
- [56] H. Yoshinaga, K. Kitayama, and T. Hara, "All-optical error-signalgeneration for backpropagation learning in optical multilayer neuralnetworks," Opt. Lett., vol.14, pp.202-204, 1989.
- [57] H. Yoshinaga, K. Kitayama, and T. Hori, "Experimental learning in anoptical perceptronlike neural network," Opt. Lett., vol.14,pp.716-718, 1989.
- [58] M. Hashimoto, K. Kitayama, and N. Mukohzaka, "Programmable opticalparallel processor based upon polarization modulation: cascade operations,"Appl. Opt., vol. 28, pp.4305-4312, 1989.
- [59] W. Kawakami, H. Yoshinaga, and K. Kitayama, "Demonstration of anoptical inhibitory neural network," Opt. Lett., vol. 14, pp.984-986,1989.
- [60] M. Hashimoto, K. Kitayama, and N. Mukohzaka,"Space-variant operations using an optical parallel processor based onpolarization encoding," Opt. Lett., vol. 14, pp. 384-386, 1989.
- [61] M. Fukui and K. Kitayama, "Real-time restoration method for imagetransmission in a multimode optical fiber," Opt. Lett., vol. 15, pp.977-979, 1990.
- [62] F. Ito, K. Kitayama, and Y. Tamura, "Optical outer-product learningin a neural network using optically stimulable phosphor," Opt. Lett.,vol. 15, pp. 860-862, 1990.
- [63] M. Hashimoto, K. Kitayama, and N. Mukohzaka, "Neighborhoodoperations of optical parallel processor," Jap. J. Appl. Phys., vol.29, pp. L1256-1258, 1990.
- [64] M. Hashimoto, M. Fukui, and K. Kitayama, "Self-routing opticalcrossbar switch," IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol. 2, pp.522-524, 1990.
- [65] H. Yoshinaga, K. Kitayama, and H. Oguri, "Holographic image storage in iron-doped lithium niobate fibers," Appl. Phys. Lett. ,vol. 56, pp. 1728-1730, 1990.
- [66] 川上弥、北山研一、「光側抑制ニューラルネット」, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), vol.J73-D-II, pp.1346-1353, 1990.
- [67] H. Yoshinaga, K. Kitayama, and H. Oguri, "Application of fiberholography to associative memory," Opt. Lett., vol.16, pp.669-671,1991.
- [68] W. Kawakami, K. Kitayama, Y. Nakano, and M. Ikeda, "Lateralinhibitory action in an optical neural network using aninternal-light-coupled optical device array," Opt. Lett., vol.16,pp.1028-1030, 1991.
- [69] Y. Nakano, M. Ikeda, W. Kawakami, and K. Kitayama, "Internallight-coupled optical device array," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 58,pp.1698-1700, 1991.
- [70] F. Ito and K. Kitayama, "Photorefractive crystal waveguide withperiodically reversed c axis for enhanced two-wave mixing,。ノ Appl. Phys,Lett., vol. 59, pp.1932-1934, 1991.
- [71] K. Kitayama and F. Ito, "Optical signal processing usingphotorefractive effect," Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing,vol. 2, pp.401-419, 1991.
- [72] F. Ito, K. Kitayama, and O. Nakano, "Enhanced two-wave mixing in a photorefractive waveguide having a periodically reversed c-axis byelectrical poling technique," Appl. Phys. Lett. , vol.60, pp.793-795, 1992.
- [73] F. Ito, K. Kitayama, and H. Oguri, "Compensation of fiberholographic image distortion caused by intrasignal photorefractive coupling by using a phase-conjugate mirror," Opt. Lett., vol.17, pp.215-217, 1992.
- [74] M. Hashimoto, K. Kitayama, and N. Mukohzaka, "Sequential logicoperation using optical parallel processor based upon polarizationencoding," Optical Computing and Processing, vol. 1, pp.303-313,1992.
- [75] F. Ito and K. Kitayama, "Distortion free reconstruction throughphase conjugation of holographic image in photorefractive crystalwaveguide," IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E75-C, pp.741-743, 1992.
- [76] M. Hashimoto, S. Ishibashi, Y. Fukuda, and K. Kitayama,"Thresholding characteristics of an optically addressableGaAs-pin/ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulator and itsapplications," IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E75-C, pp.1395-1398,1992.
- [77] F. Ito and K. Kitayama, "Real-time holographic storage of temporalbit sequence by using angular multiple recording of spectral components,"Opt. Lett., vol. 17, pp.1152-1154, 1992.
- [78] M. Fukui and K. Kitayama, "Image logic algebra and its opticalimplementations," Appl. Opt., vol. 31, pp.581-591, 1992.
- [79] M. Fukui and K. Kitayama, "Design considerations of the opticalimage crossbar switch," Appl. Opt., vol. 31, pp.5542-5547, 1992.
- [80] M. Fukui and K. Kitayama, "Applications of image-logic algebra: wirerouting and numerical data processings," Appl. Opt., vol. 31,pp.4645-4656, 1992.
- [81] F. Ito, K. Kitayama, and H. Oguri, "Holographic image storage inLiNbO3 fibers with compensation of intrasignal photorefractivecoupling," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., vol. 9, pp.1432-1439,1992.
- [82] F. Ito, K. Kitayama, and K. Tomomatu, "Observation of thephotorefractive effect in single-domain BaTiO3 crystal fiber,"Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 61, pp. 2144-2146, 1992.
- [83] 福井将樹, 北山研一,「画像論理代数(ILA)とその応用」, 情報処理学会誌,vol.33, pp.270-277, 1992.
- [84] M. Fukui and K. Kitayama, "High-throughput optical image crossbarswitch that uses a point light source array," Opt .Lett., vol. 18,pp.376-378, 1993.
- [85] F. Ito and K. Kitayama, "Interferometric parallel spectral detectionof an optical signal with a finite time duration," Opt. Lett.,vol.18, pp. 2156-2158, 1993.
- [86] 川上弥, 北山研一,中野好典,池田正宏,「集積化を志向した光側抑制ニューラルネットの設計」, 電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II, vol. J76-D-II, pp.709-716, 1993.
- [87] 橋本仁、石橋重喜、福田幸夫、北山研一、「GaAs-pinホトダイオードと強誘電性液晶を用いた空間光変調器とその応用」, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(C-I), vol. J76-C-I, pp.301-312, 1993.
- [88] 福井将樹,谷田純,北山研一,一岡芳樹,「光並列演算における離散ディジタル相関」, 光学 vol. 22, pp. 137-141, 1993.
- [89] F. Ito, K. Kitayama and O. Nakao, "Gain constant of two-wave mixing in periodically poled photorefractive crystal waveguide," IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 30, pp. 295-304, 1994.
- [90] K. Kitayama, "Novel spatial spread spectrum based fiber optic CDMA networks for image transmission," IEEE J. Selected Areas in Commun., vol.12, pp. 762-772, 1994.
- [91] K. Kitayama, "Ultrafast photonic Asynchronous Transfer Mode switch based upon parallel signal processing," Opt. Review, vol. 1, pp.59-64, 1994.
- [92] K. Kitayama and F. Ito, "Holographic memory using longphotorefractive fiber array," Optical Materials, vol. 4, pp. 392-398, 1995.
- [93] M. Mizukami, K. Koyabu, M. Fukui, and K. Kitayama, "Free-spaceoptical module configuration using a guide-frame assembly method," Appl. Opt., vol. 34, pp. 1783-1787, 1995.
[Abstract] - [94] W. Kawakami and K. Kitayama, "Optical error-correction codingencoder and decoder: design considerations," Appl. Opt., vol.34, pp. 5064-5073, 1995.
[Abstract] -
[95] 水上誠,小薮国夫,福井将樹,北山研一,「通信用光モジュール簡易組み立て法に関する検討」, 精密工学会誌 vol. 61, pp. 1141-1146, 1995.
[Abstract] -
[96] K. Kitayama, 。ネSubcarrier-multiplexed signaling based add/dropmultiplexer in optical FDM networks,。ノ IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett.,vol. 8,pp.836-838, 1996.
[Abstract] - [97] T. Kuri and K. Kitayama, 。ネ60GHz band millimetre-wave signalgeneration and transport over optical frequency division multiplexingnetworks,。ノ Electron. Lett., vol. 32, pp. 2158-2159, 1996.
[Abstract] - [98] K. Kitayama, M. Nakamura, Y. Igasaki, and K. Kaneda, 。ネImagefiber-optic two-dimensional parallel links based upon optical space-CDMA:experiment,。ノ IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 15, pp. 202-212, 1997.
[Abstract] - [99] F. Ito and K. Kitayama, "Temporal bit-sequence signal storage byusing angular-multiple spectral volume holography(SPLUME)," IEEE J.Quantum Electron., vol. 33, pp. 633-641, 1997.
[Abstract] - [100] K. Kitayama, 。ネHighly stabilized millimeter-wave generation byusing fiber-optic frequency-tunable comb generator,。ノ IEEE/OSA J. LightwaveTechnol., vol. 15, pp. 883-893, 1997.
[Abstract] - [101] K. Kitayama, 。ネCarrier sense using subcarrier-multiplexed signalingfor optical frequency division multiple access,。ノ IEEE/OSA J. LightwaveTechnol., vol. 15, pp. 758-765, 1997.
[Abstract] - [102] K. Kitayama, 。ネHighly spectrum efficient OFDM/PDM wireless networks by using optical SSB modulation,。ノ IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol.16, pp. 969-976, 1998.
[Abstract] - [103] W. D. Cornwell, N. Wada, K. Kitayama, and I. Andonovic, 。ネExperimental demonstration of coherent coding of picosecond pulses,。ノElectron. Lett., Vol.34, No.2, pp.204-205 (22nd January 1998).
[Abstract] - [104] N. Wada and K. Kitayama, 。ネFundamental properties of 10Gbit/scoherent optical code division multiplexing: Experiment,。ノ OpticalReview., vol. 5, pp. 31-38, 1998.
[Abstract] - [105] M. Nakamura and K. Kitayama, 。ネSystem performances of optical spacecode-division multiple-access-based fiber-optic two-dimensional paralleldata link,。ノ Applied Optics., vol. 37, pp. 2915-2924, 1998.
[Abstract] - [106] M. Nakamura, K. Kitayama, Y. Igasaki, and K. Kaneda, 。ネFour-channel, 8x8 bit two-dimensional parallel transmission by use ofspace-code-division multiple-access encoder and decoder modules,。ノApplied Optics., vol. 37, pp. 4389-4398, 1998.
[Abstract] - [107] I. Andonovic, H. Sotobayashi, N. Wada, and K. Kitayama, 。ネExperimental demonstration of the (de)coding of hybrid phase and frequencycodes using a pseudolocal oscillator for optical code division multiplexing,。ノ IEEE Photonic Technol. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 887-889, 1998.
[Abstract] - [108] R. Griffin and K. Kitayama, 。ネOptical millimetre-wave generationwith high spectral purity using feed-forward optical field modulation,。ノElectron. Lett., vol.34, pp.795-796, 1998.
[Abstract] - [109] M. Nakamura, K. Kitayama, Y. Igasaki, and K. Kaneda, 。ネSpace-CDMAbased 2D parallel optical transmission over record length (100m)long imagefibre,。ノ Electron Lett., vol. 34, pp. 1126-1127, 1998.
[Abstract] - [110] P. Lane and K. Kitayama, 。ネOptical generation of mm-waves usingspectrum-sliced ASE for low-cost WDM based fibre radio systems,。ノElectron Lett., Vol.34, No.10, pp.1010-1011 (14th May 1998).
[Abstract] - [111] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, 。ネ325nm bandwidth supercontinuumgeneration at 10Gbit/s using dispersion-flattened and non-decreasing normaldispersion fibre with pulse compression technique,。ノ Electron Lett.,vol. 34, pp. 1336-1337, 1998.
[Abstract] - [112] K. Kitayama, 。ネCode division multiplexing lightwave networks based upon optical code conversion,。ノ IEEE Selcted Areas in Commun., vol.16, pp.1309-1319, 1998.
[Abstract] - [113] G. Sefler and K. Kitayama, 。ネFrequency comb generation by four-wave mixing and the role of fiber dispersion,。ノ IEEE/OSA J. LightwaveTechnol., vol.16, pp.1596-1605, 1998.
[Abstract] - [114] T. Kuri and K. Kitayama, 。ネLong-term stabilized millimeter-wavegeneration using a high-power mode-locked laser diode module,。ノ IEEETransaction on Microwave Theory and Technol. vol.47, pp.570-574,1999.
[Abstract] - [115] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, 。ネObservation of phase conservation in a pulse sequence at 10Gb/s in a semiconductor optical amplifier wavelength converter by four-wave mixing,。ノ IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., Vol.11, No.1, pp.45-47 (January 1999).
[Abstract] - [116] K. Kitayama and R. A. Griffin, 。ネOptical downconversion frommillimeter-wave to IF-band over 50-km-long optical fiber link using anelectroabsorption modulator,。ノ IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., Vol.11, No.2, pp.287-289 (February 1999).
[Abstract] - [117] T. Kuri, K. Kitayama, A. St¨hr, and , Y. Ogawa, 。ノFiber-opticmillimeter-wave downlink system using 60GHz-band external modulation,。ノIEEE/OSA J.Lightwave Technol., vol.17, pp.799-806, 1999.
[Abstract] - [118] T. Kuri, K. Kitayama, and Y. Ogawa, 。ノFiber-optic millimeter-wave uplink incorporating with remotely fed 60GHz-band optical pilot tone,。ノIEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Technol./J. Lightwave Technol., vol.47, pp.1332-1337, 1999.
[Abstract] - [119] A. Stöhr, K. Kitayama, and D. Jäger, 。ネFull-duplex fiber-optic RF subcarrier transmission using a dual-function modulator/photodetector,。ノ IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Technol./J. Lightwave Technol. , vol.47, pp.1338-1341, 1999.
[Abstract] - [120] A. Stöhr, K. Kitayama, and T. Kuri, "Fiber-length extension in an optical 60GHz transmission system using an EA-modulator with negative chirp," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.11, pp.739-741, 1999.
[Abstract] - [121] P. M. Lane and K. Kitayama, 。ネThe interaction between fibre dispersion and laser phase noise in an ASK self-heterodyne mm-wave fibre-radio system,。ノ IEE Proceedings-Optoelectronics., vol.146, No.4, pp.177-180, 1999.
[Abstract] - [122] N. Wada and K. Kitayama, 。ネ10Gb/s optical code divisionmultiplexing using 8-chip optical bipolar code and coherent detection,。ノIEEE/OSA J.Lightwave Technol., vol.17, No.10, pp.1758-1765, 1999.
[Abstract] - [123] N. Wada, H. Sotobayashi, and K. Kitayama, 。ネError-free 100kmtransmission of 10Gbit/s optical code division multiplexing using BPSKpicoseconds-pulse code sequence with novel time-gating detection,。ノElectron. Lett., Vol.35, No.10, pp.833-834 (13th May 1999).
[Abstract] - [124] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, 。ネTransfer functionmeasurements of a programmable bipolar optical transversal filter by usingASE of an EDFA,。ノ IEEE Photonic Technol. Lett., Vol.11, No.7, pp.871-873 (July 1999).
[Abstract] - [125] K. Umeno and K. Kitayama, "New spreading sequencesusing periodic orbits of chaos for CDMA," Electron. Lett., vol.35,pp.545-546, 1999.
[Abstract] - [126] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, "Cancellation of Signal Fading for 60GHz Subcarrier Multiplexed Optical DSB Signal Transmission in Non-dispersion-shifted Fiber Using Midway Optical Phase Conjugation," IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol.17, No.12, pp.2488-2497, 1999.
[Abstract] - [127] K. Kitayama, 。ネUltimate performance of optical DSB signal basedmm-wave fiber-radio system: Effect of laser phase noise,。ノ IEEE/OSA J.Lightwave Technol., vol.17, No.10, pp.?, 1999.
[Abstract] - [128] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, 。ネEffect of asymmetric power change on BER performance using midway optical phase conjugation for fading cancellation in millimeter-wave optical DSB signal transmission over 100km non-dispersion-shifted fiber," Electron. Lett., Vol.35, No.12, pp.992-993 (10th June 1999).
[Abstract] - [129] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, 。ネ1.24Gb/s, optical code division multiplexing transmission over 40km dispersion-shifted fiber by bipolar coding using broadband incoherent light source," Electron. Lett., Vol.35, No.11, pp.911-912 (27th May 1999).
[Abstract] - [130] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, 。ネAll-optical simultaneous code and wavelength conversion of 10Gb/s BPSK codes by four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier for optical code division multiplexings,。ノElectron. Lett., Vol.35, No.13, pp.1091-1093 (24th June 1999).
[Abstract] - [131] K. Kitayama, 。ネArchitectural considerations on fiber radiomillimeter-wave wireless access systems,。ノ J. Fiber and Integrated Optics. Vol.19, pp.167-186, 2000.
[Abstract] - [132] A. Stöhr, T. Kuri, K. Kitayama, R. Heinzelmann, and D. Jäger,。ネFull-duplex 60GHz-fiber-optic transmission,。ノ Electron. Lett.,vol.35, No.19, pp.1653-1655, 1999.
[Abstract] - [133] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, "Observation of phase conservation inmulti-wavelength binary phase shift-keying pulse-sequence generation at10Gbit/s by use of a spectrum-sliced supercontinuum in an optical fiber,"Opt. Lett., vol.24, pp.1820-1822, 1999.
[Abstract] - [134] A. Franzen, H. Sotobayashi, K. Kitayama, and I. Andonovic, 。ネDemonstration of a high resolution synchroniser to faciliate payloadrecovery at an optical,。ノ to appear in IEEE Photonic Technol. Lett., vol.11, No.12, pp.1671-1673, 1999.
[Abstract] - [135] K. Kitayama and N. Wada, 。ノPhotonic IP routing,。ノ IEEE Photonic Technol. Lett., vol.11, No.12, pp.1689-1691, 1999.
[Abstract] - [136] K. Kitayama, N. Wada, and H. Sotobayashi, 。ノOptical codedivision multiplexing and its applications to photonic networks(Invited),。ノIEICE A., vol.E82-A, No.12, pp.2616-2626 (Dec. 1999).
[Abstract] - [137] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, "Broadcast-and-select OCDM/WDM network using 10Gbit/s spectrum-sliced supercontinuum BPSK pulse code sequences," Electron. Lett, vol.35, pp.1-2, 1999.
[Abstract] - [138] T. Kuri and K. Kitayama, ``60-GHz-Band Full-Duplex Radio-On-Fiber System Using Two-RF-Point Electroabsorption Transceiver," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.12, pp.419-421, 2000.
[Abstract] - [139] N. Wada, H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, ``2.5Gbit/s time-spread/wavelength-hop optical code division multiplexing using fibre Bragg grating with supercontinuum light source," Electron. Lett., vol.36, No.9, pp.815-817, 2000.
[Abstract] - [140] M. Nakamura, T. Otsubo, and K. Kitayama, "Skew characteristics ofimage fiber for high-speed 2-D parallel optical data link," IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol.18, pp.1214-1219, 2000.
[Abstract] - [141] K. Umeno, Y. Awaji, and K. Kitayama, "Optical implementation ofchaotic maps with Mach-Zehnder interferometers," Proc. of 5th ExperimentalChaos Conference(World Scientific, ? 2000).
[Abstract] - [142] D. Sampson, N. Wada, K. Kitayama, and W. Chujo, "Demonstration ofreconfigurable all-optical code conversion for photonic code-divisionmultiplexing and networking," Electoron. Lett., vol.36, No.5, pp.445-447,2000.
[Abstract] - [143] H. Sotobayashi and K. Kitayama, "Optical code based label swapping for photonic routing," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.E83-B, No.10, pp.2341-2347, 2000.
[Abstract] - [144] T. Hashimoto, H. Sotobayashi, K. Kitayama, and W. Chujo, "Photonicconversion of OC-192 OTDM-to-4。゚OC-48 WDM by supercontinuum generation,"Electron Lett., vol.36, pp.1133-1135, 2000.
[Abstract] - [145] Ken-ichi Kitayama, Andreas Stöhr, Toshiaki Kuri, Robert Heinzelmann, Dieter Jäger, and Yoshio Takahashi, "An Approach to Single Optical Component Antenna Base Stations for Broad-Band Millimeter-Wave Fiber-Radio Access Systems,"IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.48, No.12, pp.??-??, Dec. 2000.
[Abstract] - [146] Ken-ichi Kitayama, Naoya Wada, and Hideaki Sotobayashi, "Architectural Considerations for Photonic IP Router Based upon Optical Code Correlation,"IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., vol.18, No.12, pp.1834-1844, Dec. 2000.
[Abstract] - [147] H. Sotobayashi, K. Kitayama, and W. Chujo, "40Gbit/s photonic packet compression and decompression by supercontinuum generation,"Electron Lett., vol.37, No.2, pp.??-??, 18th Jan. 2001.
[Abstract] - [148] Moriya Nakamura and Ken-ichi Kitayama, ``High-Speed 2-D Parallel Optical Interconnects Using Image Fibers with VCSEL/PD Arrays," IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E84-C, No.3, pp.282-287, March 2001.
[Abstract] - [149] H. Sotobayashi, W. Chujo, and K. Kitayama, "1.52Tbit/s OCDM/WDM (4OCDM * 19WDM * 20Gbit/s) transmission experiment,"Electron Lett., vol.37, No.11, pp.700-701, 24th May 2001.
[Abstract] - [150] Masayuki Murata and Ken-ichi Kitayama , "A Perspective on Photonic Multiprotocol Label Switching,"IEEE Network, vol. 15, pp.56-63, July/August 2001.
[Abstract] - [151] Tomotada Kamisaka, Toshiaki Kuri, and Ken-ichi Kitayama, "Simultaneous Modulation and Fiber-Optic Transmission of 10-Gb/s Baseband and 60-GHz-Band Radio Signals on a Single Wavelength,"IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.49, No.10, pp.2013-2017, Oct. 2001.
[Abstract] - [152] Toshiaki Kuri and Ken-ichi Kitayama, "Optical heterodyne detection of millimeter-wave-band radio-on-fiber with a remote dual-mode local light,"IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.49, No.10, pp.2025-2029, Oct. 2001.
[Abstract] - [153] Ken-ichi Kitayama and Masayuki Murata, "Photonic Access Node Using Optical Code-Based Label Processing and Its Application to Optical Data Networking,"IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol.19, No.10, pp.1401-1415, Oct. 2001.
[Abstract] - [154] Yoshiaki Awaji, Toshiaki Kuri, Wataru Chujo,Mitsuru Naganuma, and Ken-ichi Kitayama, "Differential-phase-to-intensity conversion based on injection locking of a semiconductor laser,"Opt. Lett., vol.26, No.20, pp.1538-1540, 15th Oct. 2001.
[Abstract] - [155] S. Osawa, N. Wada, K. Kitayama, and W. Chujo, "Arbitrarily-shaped optical pulse train synthesis using weight/phase-programmable 32-tapped delay line waveguide filter,"Electron. Lett., vol.37, No.22, pp.1356-1357, 25th Oct. 2001.
[Abstract] - [156] K. Onohara, H. Sotobayashi, K. Kitayama and W. Chujo,"Photonic Time-Slot and Wavelength-Grid Interchange for 10-Gb/s Packet Switching,"Photonic Technol. Lett., vol.13, No. 10, pp.1121-1123, 2001.
[Abstract] - [157] P. Petropoulous, N.Wada, P.C.Teh, M.Ibsen, W.Chujo, K.Kitayama, and D.J.Richardson, "Demonstration of a 64-Chip OCDMA System Using Superstructured Fiber Gratings and Time-Gating Detection," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.13, No.11, pp.1239-1241, Nov. 2001.
[Abstract] - [158] Moriya Nakamura, Ken-ichi Kitayama, Naoki Shamoto, and Kenji Kaneda,"Two-Dimensional Erbium-Doped Image Fiber Amplifier (EDIFA),"IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.7, No.3, pp.434-438, May/June 2001.
[Abstract] - [159] H. Sotobayashi, W. Chujo, and K. Kitayama, "1.6 bit/s/Hz, 6.4 Tbit/s QPSK-OCDM/WDM (4 OCDM x 40 WDM x 40 Gbit/s) transmission using optical hard thresholding,"IEEE Photonic Technol. Lett., vol.14, pp.555-557, 2002.
[Abstract] - [160] T. Kuri and K. Kitayama, "Novel photonic downconversion technique with optical frequency shift for millimeter-wave-band radio-on-fiber systems,"IEEE Photonic Technol. Lett., vol.14, pp.1163-1165, 2002.
[Abstract] - [161] K. Kitayama, T. Kuri, K. Onohara, T. Kamisaka, and K. Murashima,"Dispersion effects of FBG and optical SSB filtering in DWDM millimeter-wave fiber-radio systems,"IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., vol.20, pp.1397-1407, 2002.
[Abstract] - [162] H. Sotobayashi, W. Chujo, and K. Kitayama,"Transparent virtual optical code/wavelength path network,"IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 699-704, 2002.
[163] K. Onohara, K. Kitayama, and N.Wada,
"Optical code-based IP longest prefix match with variable-length optical gates,"
J. Optical Networking, vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 373-382, October 2002. - [167] S.Kutsuzawa, N.Minato, S.Oshiba, A.Nishiki, and K.Kitayama,"10 Gb/s 。゚ 2 ch Signal Unrepeated Transmission Over 100 km of Data Rate Enhanced Time-Spread/Wavelength-Hopping OCDM Using 2.5-Gb/s-FBG En/Decoder,"IEEE Photonics Technology Letters., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 317-319, 2003.
[Abstract] - [168] H.Sotobayashi, W.Chujo, and K.Kitayama,"Optical Code Division Multiplexing (OCDM) and Its Application for Peta-bit/s Photonic Network,"Information Sciences, vol. 149, pp. 171-182, 2003.
- [169] T.Yamaguchi, K.Baba, M.Murata, and K.Kitayama, "Scheduling algorithm with consideration to void space reduction in photonic packet switch," IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E86-B, no. 8, pp. 2310-2318, 2003.
- [170] T.Kuri, H.Toda, and K.Kitayama,
"Dense wavelength division multiplexing millimeter-wave-band radio-on-fiber signal transmission with photonic downconversion,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1510-1517, June 2003.
[Abstract] - [171] K.Ikeda, T.Kuri, Y.Takahashi, and K.Kitayama, "Full-duplex transmission using 2-RF-port electroabsorption transceiver with photonic up-and downconversions for millimeter wave fiber-radio system," IEICE Transactions on electronics, vol. E86-C, no. 7, pp. 1138-1145, July 2003.
- [172] T.Kuri and K.Kitayama,
"Novel Channel Selection Scheme of Dense WDM Millimeter-Wave-Band Radio-on-Fiber Signals with Optical Heterodyne Detection,"
IEICE Trans.Electron., vol. E86-C, no. 7, July 2003.
[Abstract] - [173] T.Kuri and K.Kitayama,
"Channel selection of subcarrier multiplexed millimetre-wave-band radio-on-fiber signals with optical heterodyne detection,"
Electronics Letters, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 674-676, 17th April 2003.
[Abstract] - [174] H.Toda, T.Yamashita, T.Kuri, and K.Kitayama,
"Demultiplexing using an arrayed-waveguide gratings for frequency-interleaved DWDM millimeter-wave radio-on-fiber systems," to appear in
IEEE/OSA J.Lightwave Technol., vol. 21,no.8, pp.1735-1741, August 2003.
[Abstract] - [175] K.Kitayama and M.Murata,
"Versatile optical code based MPLS for circuit-, burst-, and packet switchings," to appear in the Nov. issue of
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., 2003.
[Abstract] - [176] T.Kuri and K.Kitayama,
"A novel channel selection of subcarrier multiplexed millimeter-wave-band radio-on-fiber signals with optical heterodyne
detection (invited),"
IEEE/OSA J. Selected Topics in Quantum.Electon./J. Lightwave Technol., 2003.
- [177] T.Kuri and K. Kitayama,
"Optical heterodyne detection technique for densely multiplexed millimeter-wave-band radio-on-fiber systems,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology vol. 21, no. 12, pp.3167-3179, 2003.
[Abstract] - [178] K. Ikeda, T. Kuri, and K. Kitayama,
"Simultaneous three-band modulation and fiber-optic transmission of 2.5-Gb/s baseband, microwave-, and 60-GHz-band
signals on a single wavelength,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol. vol. 21, no. 12, pp.3194-3202, 2003.
[Abstract] - [180] H. Sotobayashi, W. Chujo, and K. Kitayama,
"Highly spectral efficient optical code division multiplexing transmission system (Invited),"
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics vol.10, No.2, pp.250-258, 2004.
[Abstract] - [181] S. Oda, A. Maruta, K. Kitayama,
"All-optical quantization scheme based on fiber nonlinearity,"
IEEE Photonics Technogy Letters. vol. 16, no. 2, pp.587-589, 2004.
[Abstract] - [182] N. Kataoka, N. Wada, K. Kitayama,
"40 Gb/s packet selective photonic add/drop multiplexer based on optical-code label header processing,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology. vol.22, no.11, pp.2377-2385, 2004
[Abstract] - [182] X. Wang, A. Nishiki, and K. Kitayama,
"Improvement of the coding performance of SSFBG en/decoder by apodization technique,"
Wiley, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. vol. 43, no. 3, pp.247-250, 2004.
[Abstract] - [183] X. Wang, K. Matsushima, A. Nishiki, N.Wada, and K. Kitayama,
"High reflectivity superstructured FBG for coherent optical code generation and recognition,"
Optics Express. vol. 12, no. 22, pp.5457-5468, 2004.
[Abstract] - [184] K. Onohara, Y. Awaji, N. Wada, F.Kubota, and K. Kitayama,
"Agile and Highly Efficient Wavelength Conversion Using Highly Nonlinear Fiber for Optical Code-Labeled Packets,"
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. vol. 17, no. 3, pp.627-629, 2005.
[Abstract] - [185] X. Wang, K. Matsushima, K. Kitayama, A.Nishiki, N. Wada, and F. Kubota,
"High-Performance optical code generation and recognition by use of a 511-chip, 640 Gchip/s phase-shifted superstructured fiber Bragg grating,"
Optics Letters. vol. 30, no. 4, pp.355-357, 2005.
[Abstract] - [186] T. Kuri, T. Nakasyotani, H. Toda, and K. Kitayama,
"Characterizations of super-continuum light source for WDM millimeter-wave-band radio-on-fiber systems,"
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. vol. 17, no. 6, pp.1274-1276, 2005.
[Abstract] - [187] K. Ikeda, J. M. Abdul, S. Namiki, and K. Kitayama,
"Optical quantizing and coding for ultrafast A/D conversion using nonlinear fiber-optic switches based on Sagnac interferometer,"
Optics Express. vol. 13, no. 11, pp.4296-4302, 2005.
[Abstract] - [188] T. Kuri, H. Toda, Y. Takahashi, and K. Kitayama,
"Compact Dual-Band Antenna Base Station for Simultaneously Transmitting Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Signals in Radio-on-Fiber Systems,"
IEEE LEOS Newsletter. vol. 19, no. 2, pp.14-15, 2005.
[Abstract] - [189] N. Kataoka, K. Kitayama, N. Wada, and F. Kubota,
"Concurrent generation technique of optical code label abd payload data using phase-and intensity modulators,"
Optics Letters. vol. 30, no. 19, pp. 2539-2541, 2005.
[Abstract] - [190] K. Onohara, Y. Awaji, N. Wada, F. Kubota, and K. Kitayama,
"Multihop optical code labeled packet switching with high-agility wavelength conversion,"
Journal of Optical Networking. vol. 4, no.10, pp.632-646, 2005.
[Abstract] - [191] X. Wang, T. Hamanaka, N. Wada, and K. Kitayama, "Optical thresholder based on SC generation in DFF for multiple-access-interference supression in OCMDA system," JOSA Optics Express. vol. 13, no. 14, pp.5499-5505, 2005
- [192] K. Kitayama, T. Miki, T. Morioka, H, Tsushima, M. Koga, K. Mori, S. Araki, K. Sato, H. Onaka, S. Namiki, and T. Aoyama
"Photonic network R&D activities in Japan -Current activities and future perspectives-(invited),"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology. vol. 23, no. 10, pp.3404-3418, 2005
[Abstract] - [193] X. Wang, N. Wada, and K. Kitayama
"Inter-symbol interfarence and beat noise in flexible data-rate coherent OCDMA and the BER
improvement by using optical thresholding"
JOSA Optics Express. vol. 13, no. 26, pp.1469-1474, 2005
[Abstract] - [194] N. Kataoka, N. Wada, F. Kubota, K. Sone, Y. Aoki, H. Miyata, H. Onaka, and K. Kitayama,
"Field trial of data-granularity-flexible reconfigurable OADM with wavelength-packet-
selective switch,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology. vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 88-94, 2006.
[Abstract] - [195] G. Cincotti, N. Wada, N. Kataoka, and K. Kitayama,
"Characterization of a full encoder/decoder in the AWG configuration for code-based photonic
routers. Part I: modelling and design,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology. vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 103-112, 2006.
[Abstract] - [196] N. Wada, G. Cincotti, S. Yoshima, N. Kataoka, and K. Kitayama,
"Characterization of a full encoder/decoder in the AWG configuration for code-based photonic
routers. Part II : experiments and applications,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology. vol. 24, no. 1, pp.113-121, 2006.
[Abstract] - [197] T. Hamanaka, X. Wang, N. Wada, K. Kitayama, and A. Nishiki,
"10-user truly-asynchronous OCDMA experiment with 511-chip SSFBG en/decoder"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology. vo. 24, no. 1, pp. 95-102, 2006.
[Abstract] - [198] T.Nakasyotani, H.Toda, T. Kuri, and K. Kitayama,
"Wavelength-division-multiplexed millimeter-wave-band radio-on-fiber system using a supercontinuum light source,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology. vol. 24, no. 1, pp.404-410, 2006.
[Abstract] - [199] S. Yoshima, K. Onohara, N. Wada, F. Kubota, and K. Kitayama,
"Multicast-capable optical code label switching and its experimental demonstration,"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology. vol. 24, no. 2, pp.713-722, 2006.
[Abstract] - [200] X. Wang, N. Wada, T. Miyazaki, and K. Kitayama,
"Coherent OCDMA system using DPSK data format with balanced detection"
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. vol. 18, no. 7, pp.826-828, 2006
[Abstract] - [201] K. Kitayama, X. Wang, and N. Wada,
"OCDMA over WDM PON: A solution path to gigabit-symmetric FTTH"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology vol. 24, no. 4, pp.1654-1662, 2006
[Abstract] - [202] S. Huang, K. Baba, M. Murata, and K. Kitayama,
"Variable-bandwidth Optical Paths: Comparison between Optical Code-Labeled Path and OCDM Path"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology vol. 24, no. 10, pp.3563-3573, 2006
[Abstract] - [203] K. Ikeda, J.M. Abdul, H. Tobioka, T. Inoue, S. Namiki, and K. Kitayama,
"Design considerations of all-optical A/D conversion : nonlinear fiber-optic Sagnac-loop interferometer-based
optical quatizing and coding (invited)"
IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology vol. 24, no. 7, pp.2618-2628, 2006
[Abstract] - [204] X. Wang, N. Wada, G. Cincotti, T. Miyazaki, and K. Kitayama,
"Demonstration of over 128-Gb/s-capacity (12 User , times, 10.71-Gb/s/User) asynchronous OCDMA using
FEC and AWG-based multiport optical encoder/decoders"
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol. 18, no. 15, pp.1603-1605, 2006
[Abstract] - [205] S. Huang, K. Baba, M. Murata, and K. Kitayama,
"Architecture design and performance evaluation of OCDM-based multi-granularity optical networks"
to appear in Journal of Optical Networking , 2006
[Abstract] - [206] T. Hatta, T. Miyahara, T. Miyazaki, K. Takagi, K. Matsumoto, T. Aoyagi, K. Motoshima, K. Mishina, A. Maruta, and K. Kitayama,
"Polarozation-insensitive monolithic 40 Gbps SOA-MZI wavelength converter with narrow active waveguides"
to appear in IEEE J. Selected Topics of Quantum Electron. , 2006
[Abstract] - [207] K. Mishina, A. Maruta, S. Mitani, T. Miyahara, K. Ishida, K. Shimizu, T. Hatta, K. Motoshima, and K. Kitayama,
"NRZ-OOK-to-RZ-BPSK modulation-format conversation using SOA-MZI wavelength converter"
IEEE J. Lightwave Technology vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 3751-3758, 2006
[Abstract] - [209] G. Manzacca, X. Wang, N. Wada, G. Cincotti, and K. Kitayama,
"Comperative study of multi-encoding schemes for OCDM using a single multi-port optical encoder/decoder"
to appear in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , 2007
[Abstract] - [210] Y. Miyoshi, K. Ikeda, H. Tobioka, T. Inoue, S. Namiki, and K. Kitayama,
"All-optical analog-to-digital conversion using split-and-delay technique"
to appear in IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology , 2007
[Abstract] - [211] G. Manzacca, A. M. Vegni, X. Wang, N. Wada, G. Cincotti, and K. Kitayama,
"Performance analysis of a multi-port encoder/decoder in OCDMA scenario"
to appear in IEEE J. Selected Topics of Quantumn Electron., , 2007
[Abstract] - [212] X. Wang, N. Wada, T. Miyazaki, G. Cincotti, and K. Kitayama,
"Asynchronous multi-user coherent OCDMA system with code-shift-keying and balanced detection"
to appear in IEEE J. Selected Topics of Quantumn Electron., , 2007
[Abstract] [164] M. Nakamura, K, Kitayama, Y. Igasaki, N. Shamoto, and K. Kaneda, "Image fiber optic space-CDMA parallel transmission experiment using 8x8 VCSEL/PD arrays," Applied Optics, vol. 41, no. 32, pp. 6901-6906, November 2002.
[Abstract] [165] H.Sotobayashi, K.Kitayama, and W,Chujo,"Photonic gateway : multiplexing format conversions of OCDM-to-WDM and WDM-to-OCDM at 40Gbit/s (4x10Gbit/s)," to appear in. IEEE/OSA J.Lightwave Technol., vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2022-2028, 2002.
[166] T. Kuri and K. Kitayama, "A single light source configuration for full-duplex 60GHz-band radio-on-fiber system," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 51, no. 2, February 2003.[Abstract]
[208] X. Wang, N. Wada, G. Cincotti, T. Miyazaki, and K. Kitayama, "Field trial of 3-WDM x 10-OCDMA x 10.71 Gbps, asynchronous, WDM/DPSK-OCDMA using hybrid E/D without FEC and optical thresholding" IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology., Vol.25, No.1, pp.207-215, 2007.[Abstract]