
IP over photonic networks


The integration of wireless and optical networks is a potential solution for increasing capacity and mobility as well as decreasing costs in the access network. By using Radio-on-Fiber (RoF), the capacity of optical networks can be combined with the flexibility and mobility of wireless access networks. The concept Radio-on-Fiber means to transport information over optical fiber by modulating the light with the radio signal. This modulation can be done directly with the radio signal or at an intermediate frequency. This technique can be used in the backbone of wireless access networks.


KITAYAMA Ken-ichi, Prof.
Yu Jintae, Dr.
IKEDA Kensuke, Mr.
KATAOKA Nobuyuki, Mr.
ONAKA Hiroshi, Mr.
KOZICKI Bartlomiej, Mr.
MARSDEN Adelys, Ms.
YOSHIMA Satoshi, Mr.
HUANG Shaowei, Mr.
OMIYA Yuuki, Mr.
KOU Sonmyon, Mr.
INABA Takeshi, Mr.
NIWA Shintaro, Mr.

Publications (Professor)

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Publications (Students)

International Papers
  1. Xu Wang and Kam Tai Chan: "A Sequentially self-seeded Fabry-Perot laser for two-dimensional encoding/decoding of optical pulses," IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 83-90 (Jan. 2003).
  2. K. Onohara, K. Kitayama, and N. Wada: "Optical-code-based IP longest prefix match with variable-length optical gates," OSA J. Opt. Netw., vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 373-382 (Oct. 2002).
  3. K. Kitayama, T. Kuri, K. Onohara, T. Kamisaka, and K. Murashima: "Dispersion effects of FBG filter and optical SSB filtering in DWDM millimeter-wave fiber-radio systems," IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1397-1407 (Aug. 2002).
  4. K. Onohara, H. Sotobayashi, K. Kitayama, and W. Chujo: "Photonic time-slot and wavelength-grid interchange for 10-Gb/s packet switching," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1121-1123 (Oct. 2001).
  5. T. Kamisaka, T. Kuri, and K. Kitayama: "Simultaneous modulation and fiber-optic transmission of 10-Gb/s baseband and 60-Ghz-band radio signals on a single wavelength," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 2013-2017 (Oct. 2001).

  6. S. Osawa, N. Wada, K. Kitayama, and W. Chujo: "Arbitrarily-shaped optical pulse train synthesis using weight/phase-programmable 32-tapped delay line waveguide filter," Electron. Lett., vol. 37, no. 22, pp. 1356-1357 (Oct. 2001).
  7. T. Hashimoto, H. Sotobayashi, K. Kitayama and W. Chujo: "Photonic conversion of OC-192 OTDM-to-4 x OC-48 WDM by supercontinuum generation," Electron. Lett., vol. 36, no. 13, pp. 1133-1135 (June 2000).
International Conferences
  1. Y. Kanitani, S. Arakawa, M. Murata, and K. Kitayama: "High speed data transfer protocol using optical code processing in WDM networks," in Proc. Second IFIP TC6 International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN 2003), 2014, Bangalore, India, (20-22 Oct. 2003).
  2. N. Kataoka, N. Wada, F. Kubota, and K. Kitayama: "Packet-selective photonic add/drop multiplexer at 40Gbit/s using optical code label," in Proc. of SPIE -- Optical Networking and Communications (OptiComm 2003), pp. 258-266, Dallas, Texas, USA, (13-17 Oct. 2003).
  3. X. Wang, K. Matsushima, and K. Kitayama: "Nonideal coherent pulse coding --- a limitation of the coherent time-spreading OCDMA with SSFBG en/decoder," in Proc. 29th European Conference on Optical Communication and 14th International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication (ECOC-IOOC 2003), We4.P.141, pp.838-839, Rimini, Italy, (21-25 Sept. 2003).
  4. N. Wada, R. Takemori, N. Kataoka, F. Kubota, and K. Kitayama: "200G-chip/s, 128-chip hierarchical optical BPSK labels processing and its networking application," in Proc. 29th European Conference on Optical Communication and 14th International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication (ECOC-IOOC 2003), Tu4.4.2, pp.304-305, Rimini, Italy, (21-25 Sept. 2003).
  5. Y. Fujiwara, K. Onohara, N. Wada, F. Kubota, and K. Kitayama: "Experimental demonstration of ultrafast optical path reservation using out-of-band optical-code label control packet," in Proc. 29th European Conference on Optical Communication and 14th International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication (ECOC-IOOC 2003), Mo3.4.3, pp. 22-23, Rimini, Italy, (21-25 Sept. 2003).
  6. K. Ikeda, T. Kuri, and K. Kitayama: "Simultaneous 3-band modulation 2.5-Gb/s baseband, microwave-,and 60-GHz-band signals using a single electroabsorption modulator for radio-on-fiber systems," in Proc. 2003 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Tuesday, June 10, pp. 261-264, Philadelphia, USA, (8-13 June 2003).
  7. K. Ikeda, T. Kuri, and K. Kitayama: "Simultaneous Modulation and Error-free Fiber-optic Transmission of 3-band signals: 2.5-Gb/s Baseband, Microwave, and 60-GHz," in Proc. Sixth International Symposium on Contemporary Photonics Technology (CPT 2003) , pp. 113-114, Tokyo, Japan, (15-17 Jan. 2003).
  8. K. Onohara, N. Wada, W. Chujo, and K. Kitayama: "Photonic inter-MPLS VPN using optical code based label stack," in Proc. Conference on Optical Internet and Photonics in Switching 2002 (COIN+PS 2002), COIN.WEA6, pp. 209-210, Cheju Island, Korea, (21-25 July 2002).

  9. K. Kitayama, K. Onohara, and M. Murata: "Capability of optical code-based MPLS (OC-MPLS)," in Proc. Sixth IFIP Working Conf. on Optical Network Design and Modelling Conference (ONDM 2002), Torino, Italy, (4-6 Feb. 2002).

  10. K. Kitayama, K. Ikeda, T. Kuri, A. Stöhr, and Y. Takahashi: "Full-duplex demonstration of single electroabsorption transceiver basestation for mm-wave fiber-radio systems," in Proc. International Topical Meeting on IEE Microwave Photonics (MWP 2001), pp. 73-76, Long Beach, CA (7-10 Oct. 2001).

  11. K. Kitayama, N. Kataoka, N. Wada, and W. Chujo: "10Gbit/s packet-selective photonic label-based ADM experiment," in Proc. of 27th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC2001), vol. 4, no. Th-L-1-6, pp. 548-549, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (30 Sep. - 4 Oct. 2001).

  12. K. Onohara, N. Wada, W. Chujo, and K. Kitayama: "Optical code-based IP longest prefix match using variable-length optical gate," in Proc. Optoelectronics and Communications Conference and Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication (OECC/IOOC 2001), pp. 186-187, Sydney, Australia (1-5 July 2001).

  13. K. Kitayama, S. Osawa, N. Wada, and W. Chujo: "Optical pulse train synthesis of arbitrary waveform using weight/phase-programmable 32-tapped delay line waveguide filter," in Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 2001. (OFC 2001), WY3/1 -WY3/3, vol. 3, Anaheim, CA (17-22 Mar. 2001).

  14. I. Ogushi, S. Arakawa, M. Murata, and K. Kitayama: "Parallel reservation protocols for achieving fairness in optical burst switching," in Proc. IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2001), pp. 213-217, Dallas, USA (29-31 May 2001).

  15. K. Kitayama, T. Kamisaka, K. Onohara, and W. Chujo: "Dispersion effect of optical filter in DWDM millimeter-wave fiber-radio systems," in Proc. International Topical Meeting on IEE Microwave Photonics (MWP 2000), WE1.5, Oxford, England (11-13 Sept. 2000).
  16. K. Kitayama, H. Sotobayashi, T. Hashimoto, and W. Chujo: "Photonic gateway for TDM-WDM-TD: 40Gb/s(4 x 10Gb/s) conversion and reconversion," in Proc. 26th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC2000), 9.4.3, Munich, Germany (3-7 Sept. 2000).

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